What You Need for Online Classes
Online yoga classes are different from studio classes, but there are several things we can do to make online classes much more than just good enough.
Visual Component
Don’t worry about being on camera. Just like in the studio, you spend most of the class turned inward with little visual awareness of the space around you. You won’t see much of other students, and they won’t see much of you.
However, the teacher needs to see you to keep you safe in your poses.
Set up the camera on your device so that the teacher can see all of your body in Shavasana. The camera should be behind you in Shavasana. Your head is near the camera and your feet away. The camera should not be on the floor; something about 18” to 24” above the floor seems to work well.
When you move into other poses you may need to adjust the visual so that your teacher can see all of you in the new pose. Just tilting the screen is usually enough to get the view that is needed.
Propping You Will Need:
4-6 blankets— Svaroopa blankets are the best size (64”X72””) and have the best thickness and texture.
If you don’t have the Svaroopa blankets, try to get blankets that are similar in size and that have some heft to them, not too cushy. The blankets need to be thick enough and heavy enough so that when you fold them, they provide the support that you need.
2-4 blocks—Just the standard yoga blocks. Cork or wooden blocks provide better support, but the foam blocks work too. We use blocks most frequently in Lunge and most of us get more benefit from Lunge if we have two blocks under each hand.
1 chair—A metal folding chair is best. If you are using another kind of chair, the most important thing is that your feet are not touching the back or sides of the seat when you are in supported Shavasana.