For Beginners: Take Your Yoga Beyond Stretching
Alan Alda, known for his role as Hawkeye in M*A*S*H, said: "Listening does not take place unless you are willing to be changed. Otherwise, you are just waiting for an opening to talk."
I invite any readers of this blog to share your thoughts and ideas with the other readers and me.
I am listening and open to change.
What Are the Yamas and the Niyamas?
Balancing Steadiness and Ease in Asana and More
Svaroopa® Yoga is Very Healing
What Doing Yoga Accomplishes
Shavasana: One of Yoga's Most Difficult and Advanced Poses
Why Santosha is my Favorite Niyama
Yoga in the time of pandemic
A Yogic Approach to New Year’s Resolutions
“Less is More” Understood from a Yogic View of the Mind
The Thing about Cues
About the Vrittis and Kleshas
Beyond the Body-Mind Connection: A Meditative State of Being
The Process of Developing Body Awareness: Practice
How Breath Control Helps Focus the Mind
Neuromuscular Function and Dysfunction: Natural vs. New Normal
Body Awareness 101: The first step on a path of transformation
Neuromuscular: The relationship of nerves and muscles
An analogy: nerves run through our skeletal muscles like electrical circuits through our homes